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You NEED to listen to this!
I love this podcast so much and the REAL-ness that Mary Scott, Rachel, and all the guest speakers portray in each episode. I just discovered the podcast a few weeks ago and I am hooked! You won’t regret listening to it!

Love it!
This podcast is so fun, easy to listen to, and so encouraging! I always finish each podcast feeling inspired! Love it!!

Love this more every week
I recently found this podcast and started listening to some of the older ones and I started to love these girls the more I listened! (I also love that fellow adpi’s run such a successful podcast!)

New Friends!!!
I’m LOVING that I stumbled upon Rachel & Mary Scott’s podcast! I feel like I have new friends (even though it’s one-sided, haha). Their topics, authenticity, and hearts for God keep me listening. So blessed to see women their age serve this way!

Just do it!
These beautiful women are living out their mission to meet you in your mess! They touch on all topics of life, challenging you to be the best you but also give yourself some grace. So fun and encouraging it’s almost as if they were right there in the room chatting with you!

Seriously love listening to Behind The Bliss! If you want to feel encouraged and inspired this is a podcast for you!

My favorite!
Mary Scott and Rachel bring so much joy, truth, and wisdom in this podcast! You leave feeling like you've just had a catch-up session with one of your best friends! I always look forward to seeing a new episode pop up on my phone. You'll definitely want to subscribe to this one!

I’ve been loving this podcast! Thank you for having a variety of women on and for always being real. I have related to so many and others I wish I had known in previous life seasons!

Love, love, love
Someone recommended this podcast to me and I am so glad they did. I am currently transitioning out of college into a completely different season of life and I love these words of encouragement and honest conversations from those speaking on this podcast. Thanks so much! 💕

We live in a fallen imperfect world... but you CHOOSE JOY!! Thank you Mary Scott and Becca. You inspire me, Btw... I engage in “Behavioral Economics” I only allow myself to listen to your podcast when I am exercising. A double motivation 😍

Love this podcast!! Seriously so uplifting & a great start to the day!

In the short month I’ve been listening to this podcast it has blessed me in so many ways! Mary Scott and Rachel’s transparency with their amazing guests is what we need more of in this culture. Give them a listen!! @sydwalpole

LOVE this podcast!
I absolutely love listening to this podcast. Mary Scott and Rachel have a variety of strong female guests on the show, and have a way of asking the exact questions I’m thinking as I listen. I finish this podcast feeling encouraged and inspired to pursue my dreams and fall more in love with Jesus. Instagram: @_jenniferhlee

Refreshing and encouraging
I don’t know Mary Scott or Rachel outside of their podcast, but goodness gracious, listening makes me feel like I’ve made two of the sweetest friends. They are so relatable and encouraging, but also so real! Perfect for a commute to work or a morning cup of coffee.

Can’t get enough!
Every single episode is SO encouraging and SO powerful. Mary Scott and Rachel talk about relatable topics and always keep it real. So thankful I discovered this podcast! Can’t get enough!!

Absolutely incredible
I had been trying to get into podcasts for so long and when I heard my first episode of this I was hooked!!! Y’all.....everyone needs this in their life. So beautiful, uplifting and encouraging! I love their genuine purpose to living out our lives authentically as Christian women 💕I’ve sent it to all my friends, so many revelations and truths we need to hear in this world. Thank you thank you for this, girls!!!!

A very proud husband
I could not be more proud of a husband. The power and encourage that Rachel and Mary Scott have been able to give this community continues to amaze me. This podcast is carried through with so much excellence and intentionality (trust me, I see the details). There’s yet to be an episode that they haven’t given their whole heart towards. Daniel and I are so proud of you two!

Blessed in my Mess
This podcast is such a gift. It continuously makes me feel blessed in my mess.

Oh me oh my, this Podcast is THE BEST!
This Podcast has been such a blessing to my ears and heart! It’s beyond refreshing to hear about the mess behind the end result. God is doing big things through this Podcast!

My favorite!
I love the Behind the Bliss girls and their stories! Every episode is inspiring, uplifting, glorifying to God and edifying for me. My absolute favorite podcast!

So encouraging!
I listen to the Behind the Bliss podcast on the way to and from college, and it is such an encouragement! The guests that they have had on the show have shared so much wisdom and I have learned so much. I’m very grateful for Rachel and Mary Scott!!

Wonderful and Encouraging!
I love testimonies, so this podcast is perfect for uplifting, encouraging, and truth-filled stories from everyday people!

im a groupie for this podcast. the words spoken are so life-giving/i share these episodes with so many peeps! the Lord is moving and He’s using this podcast in big ways.

the most authentic. life giving words.

The most encouraging and real podcast! Perfect for any stage that you’re walking through. Fantastic guests on the show as well as the incredible hosts!

really good stuff for college girls!!
as I girl currently in college I have really loved having them speak some of their wisdom to me through this podcast. it’s so great to have their view on issues like rejection and purpose. Throughout the podcast calling on prayer, scripture, community and your relationship with the Lord to sustain you during the hard times. This podcast has been a gift to me and many others!!!

I love my Wednesday’s!😊
Behind The Bliss is my FAV podcast!! Mary Scott & Rachel have a wealth of wisdom and encourage my heart so much! Blessings & Favor!

Best part of the week!
Not only do I find so much joy and encouragement in Rachel and Mary Scott's words and stories, but their guests always bring unique perspective and light. So thankful that these girls took a leap of faith to start this podcast because it brings me so much "bliss" each week. Love you girls!

SO good
This podcast is incredibly sweet, uplifting and balanced. Love listening during workouts! The gals are so motivating and encouraging. It’s like sitting around with a couple super loving big sisters.

Great podcast!
I have gone to JH Ranch for three years now and have loved every moment of it and am so blessed for all that it has taught me. Being able to meet Thomas Autry, Rachel’s husband, out at the ranch helped lead me to this podcast. I hadn’t heard of it until the other day when a group of the girls from JH sent it to some of us. As a guy, this is a great podcast to connect with the lord and to learn more about yourself and those around you. I have only listened to one episode so far but everything I have heard has been great.