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So great!!
Love this podcast so much-very encouraging!

Met in my mess and balanced in the bliss
Y'all, if you have not listened to this podcast... YOU HAVE TO! Rachel is truly such a treat to listen to. If I could give this more than 5 stars I would!!! She is so authentic and truly loves on those who listen to her podcast. She makes you feel loved, seen, and cherished. She truly displays what it is like to be encouraged by a child of Christ! BTB helped me get through a really difficult time in which I felt like a failure after experiencing a hardship in my life. So thankful for her and her heart!!! GIVE THIS A LISTEN TO! You will leave feeling so encouraged and so spiritually nourished!! ❤️

Love this!
This stays on my rotation! I appreciate you and your guests.

A warm seat at the table, waiting for you
BTB is like a good friend who has saved your seat and kept it warm for you until you return. Take that seat, feel heard, seen, encouraged and spurred on. Be filled by each life speaking guest and watch how your overflowing pours into the seat savers in your life. Thank you behind the Bliss for being a real blessing in my life and thank you Rachel for your obedience in this platform🧡✨

A Truthful Treat!
I LOVE this podcast. It’s one of my favorite go-tos each week. So grateful for Rachel’s investment in encouraging women of faith in the online space. Thank you, Rachel!💛

Loving Behind the Bliss
I have loved listening to this podcast. Rachel is so real, encouraging, uplifting and she always points back to Jesus. If you're looking for encouragement and inspiration, check it out. You won't be disappointed!

Behind the Bliss podcast
I am loving this podcast! Rachel’s delightfully sweet and engaging voice and tone makes me feel like I am right there with her being welcomed to the conversations she is having with other engaging women on interesting and relevant topics. The conversations both challenge and inspire me to dig deeper in my personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I also love how Rachel ends each episode asking her guests what they are loving lately. It is fun to gather recommendations of new resources, fun products, ideas for dates, movie recommendations, food items, and whatever else each guest is loving lately. So glad I found this podcast!

I love this podcast and the real talk! It is so relatable and it is so encouraging! I am blessed by it weekly!

Behind the Bliss podcast is my go-to! Perfectly titled, the listener is truly met in whatever mess they may be stuck in and encouraged to be joyful throughout all seasons of life. Rachel’s voice is easy to listen to, and the guests are evidently chosen with great care and intention. Each episode I feel like I’m sitting in a room with Rachel + guest, kicked back on a sofa, shoes off, coffee in hand. The conversations are so life-giving, insightful, and FUN! My absolute favorite thing about this podcast is Rachel ALWAYS. POINTS. BACK. TO. JESUS. The glory ALWAYS points to the Lord! 10/10 would recommend. 🙌🏼✨

Behind the Bliss Podcast is a source of comfort to me. When I have days that I just need a little encouragement, or I need to reminded I’m human, imperfect, and living in a sin filled world. Behind the Bliss helps me find that escape to comfort. Rachel chooses the b e s t guests that encourage me in all walks of life and I look forward to the messages like I do Christmas morning.

Truth giving, life receiving Christian surrounded conversations
Listening to Rachel and Mary Scott has been a blessing and a true gift to God. I can pull out my bible and notebook with a good cup of coffee and take nuggets of info from them and their guest speakers, like I am sitting at a round table with them!! This info is filled with mercy and Grace and can easily be applied to your life. God truly is at work through them and if you allow He can be in yours through listening for Him to speak to you.

Really enjoy listening to this as a I get ready in the am!! Love the attitude of gratitude episode. Thank u for what you’re doing!!!!

A Must Listen!
This podcast is beyond relatable, full of grace and a light/highlight every week and life in general! It provides a safe, comfortable, cozy and open space for all the topics and things in life - nothing is off limits and is the real, beautiful, raw, vulnerable moments in life that everyone needs!

Every week this podcast is like a coffee date with your most influential, though provoking, and Christ centered friends! I look forward to the new podcast every week! Take a listen, you won’t regret it!

Love love love this podcast. So relevant and encouraging and impactful. Keep going because y’all are making a difference!! 💕

BTB perfect for whatever season of life you in!
I love being encouraged, challenged and made to think. I might love it even more when it comes from someone younger. It encourages my soul - Jesus you are taking care of your people! I’m an empty nester with young adult children that are both newly married. The episode today with Becca Patti spoke to me in so many ways. I can’t wait to listen to again so I can write down all the nuggets I heard while driving to work this morning! Praying for you!

This is HUGE. This podcast shares so much wisdom by giving perspective and motivation. By listening to this in the mornings or in the car I feel so equipped to tackle so many things, get new ideas and remain rooted in my walk with Christ. These women recognize what it means to be strong and pursue this with every podcast.

Perfect for women in all stages of life
I love this podcast! I found out about it by hearing Mary Scott on The Well’s podcast and have been working my way though BTB since. Each episode is filled with nuggets of wisdom, encouragement, life hacks, and on and on. Thank you Mary Scott and Rachel for being so open and honest about real life issues!

No matter the season, this is the podcast for you!
THIS. PODCAST. I wish all conversations with friends and family were like this podcast. It is truthful, it points towards Jesus and gives listeners the outlet to feel normal in their mess. I look forward to this podcast every week and feel motivated every time I listen to it! LISTEN- you won’t regret it!

Met and Balanced Every Time
Man, I love listening to these gals and the way they chat about life with each other and their friends/guests. There's such an intentionally-crafted balance of addressing real life struggles and issues and celebrating the joys as well. I find myself having to prepare my heart before hitting play because I know I am LITERALLY about to be MET somewhere, and it's going to be raw and fun and refreshing! I always walk away having learned something about myself, the goodness and grace of God, and how He uses us all to be champions and champion each other. Five stars all the way. Subscribe now!

My Favorite Part of the Week
Rachel and Mary Scott are great! I just love listening to them as they interview other Godly women who share their stories.

What. the. heckie. This podcast is incredible - such real truth from two articulate, wonderful women! I have been in a new season of marriage, new jobs, and adulting decisions, and this has been a sweet source of encouragement to me. Also side note to you guys if you read these Rachel & Mary Scott - love that you give so many biblical allegories that have to do with food 🍕 lol.

Diverse, inspiring, and insightful!
Although this hip podcast is hosted by two up and coming millennial women on a mission to help ladies feel met in their mess and balanced in their bliss, it’s a podcast that women of all ages and seasons of life can learn from and be entertained by. I love the authenticity that Rachel and Mary Scott bring to each and every episode. They chat with interesting guests about a wide variety of topics, and not just the “fun”, “hip” or “easy” ones. They dig deep into challenges facing women in all walks of life and spread hope, grace, practical advice, and the love of Jesus with every episode. Check it out- you will be glad you did!

Such a blessing!
This podcast is such a wonderful resource for women seeking to glorify God by living intentionally in every facet of life. Mary Scott and Rachel share so much wisdom, not only in how they thoughtfully think through questions and share from their hearts, but also through their careful selection of who they bring on the show to share with listeners. I have learned so much from this podcast in so many different areas of life, and I cannot wait to see how the Lord will continue to bless their efforts as they use the gifts He has given them. Thank you for this!

This podcast opened my eyes in seeing God’s glorious grace everyday in my life. Rachel and Mary Scott have inspired me in my faith with God. 🙏🏻💕

As a southern gal I have loved hearing about Mary Scott and Rachel's lives. I want to be real life friends with them! I love the vulnerability and authenticity of this show. I feel like I'm in the same room as these fun ladies listening intently of what is being talked about. I have learned so much about so many topics - life, grief, loving those who are hard, relationships, and fun questions to ask friends. ALSO as a recent college grad who is in a military relationship, I have gained so much from what long-distance looks like during deployment and just all the things. And just what a healthy, Christian, military relationship looks like because there is a different aspect about it. Thank you ladies so so much for sharing your hearts, I have really loved it and can't wait to hear more!

Kathryn H
Thank you, thank you. This podcast will not only impact the way you view the Kingdom but also the way you walk daily. Rachel and Mary Scott are warriors and fill the room with joy. Personally, I feel them walk through those valleys of life with me and also the peaks. They encourage me to shout praises and seek God's perfect will. These two women show grace, love and represent bliss beautifully. Thank you for walking this young wife journey with me. Fantastic work!! XOXO

Favorite Podcast Ever!
This podcast has absolutely changed my life. I was lucky to hear about this show somehow right around its creation and now I so excitedly anticipate each new episode!! Mary Scott and Rachel are truly doing Kingdom work and are championing the spiritual growth of each listener. I have learned so much about what it means to be authentic and vulnerable, and how speaking my truth does NOT make me weak. Through hearing Rachel, Mary Scott’s and the guest’s stories I feel more inspired in my walk with Jesus as the testament to His grace and provision shines through what they have to say. I feel so refreshed, encouraged and armed with truth after each episode-ready to tackle anything. I look up to Mary Scott and Rachel so much, and feel like I could consider them friends even though they don’t know me! I hope to be real life friends one day! Thank y’all for this awesome gift! Keep it up!

Such relatable content!
As an empty nester and grandmother, I never cease to be inspired, challenged and encouraged by these young women. Mary Scott and Rachael cover topics that relate to ALL women regardless of age and season of life. Their vulnerability, honesty and charm keep me coming back podcast after podcast!

Such a beautiful concept!
I came across this podcast in a difficult season of life and the wise words, positivity, and REALNESS of this podcast was just so encouraging and helpful! Behind the bliss is so honest and brings so much inspiration, and every episode brings something special to listeners! It’s so clear that Mary Scott and Racheal have such big hearts and I love the way they share their own journey through all seasons of their lives!