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Only podcast I listen to, for so many reasons
I’ve been listening for a few years! Found the show when I was going through a really rough season in life after a traumatic birth & disability diagnosis for my son. I have found so much comfort in the show. It’s the only podcast, I won’t miss an episode of! It is the ultimate podcast for uplifting, encouraging, challenging your faith, the perfect amount of business/life hacks, motherhood, and just some real raw life chatting. You leave feeling refreshed like you just sat down for coffee with an old friend. Keep it up ladies, you’ve made a difference over here and are sure to change the lives of future listeners XOXO

My favorite podcast 🤍
I’ve been listening to BTB for years! Rachel’s wise words and all of her guests are so fun and light hearted, but at the same time real and deep just when you need it to be. She brought light to dark days when I had long drives home from college and home wasn’t the best place to be. So listen if you want your day brightened and wise / real tips from the most amazing humans!

I love listening to BTB!! Rachel and all her guests are relatable and shine so bright for Jesus. It feels like your sitting down to have a girl chat with your bestie. I always leave the episodes smiling and feeling encouraged. I’m a long time listener that always looks forward to wednesdays!

The best!!
I love listening to BTB every week! I have been listening from the beginning and each week is something new and exciting! Rachel gives a fresh perspective on what many of us face behind the bliss!

There’s purpose in your mess
I love how Rachel and her guests help us find that our messes have a purpose, even if we can’t see them right away. ❤️ Kim Stewart | Book Marketing Mania for Christian Authors

Best Show!
I just had to leave a review… I absolutely love listening to Behind the Bliss. Rachel is such a fun, energetic, kind, and honest person and I feel like I can really relate to her. Every time I listen, I always feel more connected to God and inspired. My only negative review is that I wish she recorded more episodes a week, HAHA! Love it and thank you so much for all that you do! Can’t wait to hear all about the new babe! Good Luck! We will be praying!

Listen to have life spoken over you!
Rachel and the guests she chooses are the perfect addition to your day and even your spiritual practices. Add this podcast in to your commute or “mundane” tasks to inject joy, scripture, laughter and scriptures. It will make your day better and it will help you stay connected to Jesus!! The ideas, thoughts & solutions are real, practical and relatable. Every conversation is beautiful and it feels like a wonderful coffee date with a great girlfriend.

Life-giving messages!
Rachel (and truly all her guests!) are so encouraging and soul-filling folks 🤍 Listening to BTB every week is a highlight for me. Whether talking about super girly things like our favorite outfits and products or talking to our heart about motherhood, friendships, and relationships I just KNOW Rachel’s got the words we need to fuel our week. So much love for BTB!!

Love BTB!!
Such a fun, life-giving podcast! Rachel is the best host and such a sweet, genuine person. There is something in each episode for everyone. Even if you think a topic isn’t relevant for you now, it probably will be - or you have someone else in your life that could use it!

I love listening each week, and I look forward to every new episode! Such easy, life giving girl talk.

Love this podcast!
I’ve been listening to behind the bliss since college, and now I’m married with my first baby and I can truly say behind the bliss has met me in the mess of every season of my life during the span of these 4 years or so. Rachel is so loving and her conversations are so honest and full of Jesus. I love having her voice fill my headphones or car speakers. Thank you Rachel for all you do!!! It is a joy to listen every week!

1 million!
So proud of you! Well deserved!

Favorite podcast!!
Just soo thankful for this podcast! Listening to each new episode is one of my favorite parts of the week. Rachel meets you where you are. Every episode I find something that resonates with me. This podcast points you to Truth, which is really what we all need! It is also so FUN and upbeat. Thank you, Rachel and BTB team for creating such a beautiful podcast.

I love this podcast! It is so fun and real. Rachel feels like my new best friend.

My soul sister podcast
I’ve laughed and cried through the Behind the Bliss podcasts. The Lord has used them to encourage me through so many different seasons of life. So thankful for the joy and raw honesty that Rachel brings!

Welcoming, Encouraging, So Great
Behind the Bliss brings joy to my day and encouragement to my life. I love the honest conversations and the Christian perspective on the hard and beautiful things in life!

Love BTB!
This is one of my very favorite podcasts! So relatable and just a sweet spark of joy for my week! I look forward to Wednesday’s every week!

Feels like sitting with real friends
I just started listening to this podcast on my runs and I LOVE it! Rachel sounds so sweet and kind and real - like she makes you want to be her BFF haha! It’s quickly becoming my favorite podcast because it’s so encouraging and timely.

Loving Behind the Bliss!
I recently discovered Behind the Bliss via Val Marie Paper. I haven’t routinely listened to Christian podcasts, but I absolutely felt God led me to this podcast and I’ve loved listening!

Just When I Needed It
I discovered this Podcast a little over a year ago. I was overwhelmed with work & traveling frequently. Rachel & her guests were, and still are, my company on long drives. I am forever grateful for the capital T Truth bombs these episodes are packed with. Also, love the intentionality of “CU in the next episode”; Go Tigers!

Encouraging and honest!
Thank you for the hope-filled content you’re putting out there. So encouraging to hear raw and vulnerable stories that inspire people in the mess and challenges of life. I particularly appreciated your recent episode on human trafficking. Thank you for helping to raise awareness in this difficult space and for discussing the heavy topic- one that can’t be ignored.

This podcast truly meets you where you’re at
Rachel Awtry and every speaker on the Behind the Bliss podcast has the wonderful ability to share their stories in such a way that it feels like they’re talking about you! Every week I look forward to listening to a podcast episode that truly “meets me where I’m at” and provides Godly principles to help me through my mess!

Refreshing and Truth-Filled
I love this podcast because it always refreshes and encourages me! It is filled with light-hearted fun and deep spiritual truths. A must-listen!

Joy delivered to my ears!
There is nothing better than feeling known, heard, seen, or having that oh my gosh me too moment! That’s exactly what behind the bliss does! As their tag line suggests they meet you in your mess of everyday struggles and help you feel surrounded and encouraged! There is truly no one more eloquent and simultaneously FUN as Rachel Awtrey and I’m so excited I was introduced to this podcast years ago! There really is a reason behind the bliss! 🤍🤍🤍

I love this podcast!

Literally So Comforting
Sometimes we all just need a good chat and encouragement with a Jesus-loving friend...And that is exactly what this podcast feels like. If you are feeling lonely, lacking Christian community (#covid19), or just want to be pushed farther in your walk with the Lord, check this out!

Favorite Podcast
Rachel’s episodes are like a chat with your best friend. She listens. She empathizes. She understands, and she is loyal. She makes me want to be a better human and a better child of God. This podcast is a breath of fresh air in this gloomy season of 2020. Thank you for being honest and open Rachel.

A Must Listen! ✨
This is such a great podcast that covers a variety of topics, with so many great guests, & such relevant information. I love how these are more “conversational” and really allow people a window into the hearts of each guest speaker. Highly recommend!!

The Most Uplifting!
I’ve been listening to this podcast from the beginning! I always look forward to hearing new episodes every week. Rachel is such a positive light and always shares so much wisdom! Every episode is so relatable and I always walk away learning something new!

I love that each guest brings something completely unique to the show and it has helped me hear truth from so many different perspectives. A great listen!!