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one of my favorite podcasts!
I love that there are real life conversations, as well as deeper topics, all from a Christian perspective. There are so many deep, serious theological podcasts (which are also great), but this one is easy to listen to and still points back to the gospel!

Rachel Awtrey!? I love her!
I’ve had a girl crush on Rachel since I encountered her in college (2015), and I’ve been listening to her podcast since the beginning! It’s been so beautiful to witness her personal and professional growth over the years. Her podcast always provides joyful messages, encouraging words, useful tips, relatable giggles, and faithful reminders. It’s like chatting with a big sister about life! I look forward to every episode 💛

Favorite podcast!!
I absolutely LOVE this podcast. I can’t wait for it to release each week! Rachel keeps it real but also keeps it fun. I love her biblical perspective on life!

Real life convos that change you for the better
Feels like I’m talking to a real life friend! It’s funny, lighthearted, deep and all the things in between. You won’t regret listening to this! You’ll walk away a better human because of it 🤍

A fun listen
Something for everybody!

The realest
Been listening to this podcast for 4+ years! A convo with Rachel is always uplifting and fun! So excited for more real talk!

You’ve got to listen!!!
Love this show! Rachel is just as genuine and authentic of a friend on her podcast as she is in “real life.” She loves the Lord fiercely, which is so evident through her show. She does such an amazing job using her wisdom, empathy, compassion, wittiness, and joy to appeal to listeners, lift others up, and glorify the Lord all at the same time. Rachel is just the best and you should get to know her through this awesome podcast!!

So Genuine, Fun, and Filling
I have been a long time listener of this show and am so thankful for the conversations that Rachel has lead. She takes the time to find friends and experts alike on all topics in life and brings amazing insights, advice, faith, and motivation to the microphone. I know that this show will only continue to reach new heights as it goes through the rebrand. We love sharing our favorite products online so I think it is equally as important to share our favorite resources!!! Listen on the go or in the slow moments. There is an episode for anything you need and the voice on the other end is one full of kindness, energy, and truth.

Breath of Fresh Air
I love listening to this podcast! Rachel keeps it real, and she does a beautiful job of being relevant. You will not be disappointed by adding this to your podcast rhythm.

LOVE from a postpartum mama.
In this season, I crave “I’m with you” in my conversations. Real Talk with Rachel Awtrey is just that. I can get little bits of “me too” in almost every conversation. Thankful for the content you put out into the world!!

Realtalk with Rachel
This podcast is refreshing to the soul and always an encouragement in my day! What a treasure it is to watch my precious sis in law live out her passion and calling! She’s the real deal!

My favorite show!
I listen to Rachel every week and the guests she brings on and topics she talks about adds so much value to my life! It’s like having a friend give you the best advice.

We all have a friend in Rachel
Rachel feels like such a friend! Ever episode I find myself saying (sometimes out loud) “YES!” “Oof. That’s me” or “Dang, I needed to hear that”! I love the way Rachel always honors the Lord with her gifts and words and gives Him the glory FIRST. lylas Rachel!

Excited for this next season with you!!
Thank you, Rachel and team!! 💗

I have been listening to Rachel for almost 4 years now. I always look forward to Wednesdays for these episodes and whenever someone asks for a pod rec I immediately say BTB now Real Talk🤩 So much wisdom and FUN! Rachel feels like a friend🤍

The Friend We All Need
I’ve been a listener for years and this the one of a few podcasts where I never miss an episode! Rachel’s heart for her listeners and her mission is so genuine, which is shown through the intentionality of each episode and guest. I walk away with something of value each time. If you’re looking for real, unfiltered, encouragement through the highs and lows of life, this is the podcast for you!

A must listen to show!
Rachel is so genuine and authentic. She isn’t afraid to break the ice on hard topics and speak the truth, but she is also fun. By listening to her show every week, Rachel was the “friend” I needed and helped get me through a hard spot in my friendships journey.

Great podcast!
Rachel is so down to earth, I love listening to her podcast!

REALLY Real Talk
I look forward to seeing a new episode pop up, and getting to spend my morning commute “with” Rachel! She is bold in the questions she asks, things she shares, and is so relatable!

Basically my best friend
Listening to Rachel is like listening to the best friend you never knew you needed! She has great guests, inspiring content that will push you closer to Jesus and just feels like a friend on the days when you are home alone (in the thick of parenting). Be ready to be inspired, encouraged, and entertained.

Every time I listen to this I want to be best friends with Rachel! So insightful and encouraging for this new mom.

So encouraging!
Rachel’s podcast just brightens my day! I am so encouraged by her willingness to share all the things that life throws at us.

Breath of Fresh Air
I love listening to this podcast! Rachel keeps it real, and she does a beautiful job of being relevant. You will not be disappointed by adding this to your podcast rhythm.

truly the BEST podcast !!
You will hear some of the most real & raw moments on alot of these podcast episodes. Rachel is so authentic & this podcast is all that and more ❤️‍🔥 hope you’re encouraged by it !!

My Besties 💕
This show feels like an encouraging hug / coffee chat with my girlies! It’s not Christian cringy or lame at all. I always leave encouraged or with new fun ideas for fun things to do or try. Such a great pod! So excited for what’s to come! Chase those dreams, Rach!

Rach our queen!
I love this podcast because of how genuine and practical Rachel is! She gives the best tips that are practical for real life while also being so fun!! She shares how to love Jesus in everyday life and I love listening to her!!

A weight lifted
This podcast lifts me above my current perspective to a BETTER, more life-giving reality. If you’ve ever flown out of a rainy city and after gaining altitude you broke the cloud layer to find clear skies above, then you know the sensation I’m talking about. The rain is real *and* there is a higher reality. I’m thankful Rachel, and how she navigates all of that with grace and truth.

The best!
Love all the things Rachel is doing! This podcast is so encouraging… can’t recommend enough!!🤍

5 ⭐️supermom
Rachel is real and raw. She uses her own life experiences as a mother and wife to help other women feel empowered — all while pointing them to Jesus!! Highly recommend this podcast!